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latest National Journal cartoon

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Today's Cartoon


March 28: waiting for obamacare

March 20: the perfect bracket

March 7: daniel boondoggle addresses cpac

February 28: new nutrition labels for the big boys

February 20: the bloody asterisk on the sochi olympics

February 13: gop valentine

February 7: john kerry's question of morality

January 24: winter olympics preview: putin on the fritz

January 16: fencing in the national nsa guard dog

January 10: detour on governor christie's road to the white house

January 2: gop looking for election day labor


December 26: when "sir, no sir!" means "sir, no sir!"

December 20: target-rich id theft

December 12: that guy at the office holiday party

December 5: obama's wishlist versus big energy's dissed list

November 28: hunger games 3: foodstamps

November 21: the u.s. senate's post-nuclear option survivors

November 14: the 21st centurey pan-pacific trade pyramid

November 7: the national zoo's little new grand ol' party mascot

October 31: superstorm sandy anniversary lessons

October 24: obamacare.gov's uphill roll out

October 17: the headless houseman of capitol hill

October 10: interpreting the new currency

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